Monday, May 9, 2011

Upcoming Tutorials

Here's the deal-io. Once a week, HOPEFULLY, I am going to post crochet tutorials with step-by-step instructions and photos/videos. If you have been wanting to learn to crochet, here's your chance. This is going to be a continuation of the first four basic crochet tutorials that can easily be found on the left sidebar. (The fourth tutorial will be posted early next week.)

The best way to learn is to do. Therefore, I will teach the basic stitches, crochet tips, and pattern reading WHILE we make an actual item.

I am currently conducting a poll both here (on the right sidebar) and on my Living in Ivory Facebook page to decide what item we should learn to make first. VOTE!

If you are brand spanking new to crocheting, make sure you go through the first four tutorials before starting on this project. If you have any questions, need clarifications, or even need videos to better understand something, comment or email me at livinginivory{at}gmail{dot}com.

Be aware that these tutorials and patterns will only be available on this blog for one month before they will be removed and put into my Etsy Shop: Living in Amethyst.

Keep watching for upcoming tutorials!

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